Why is cognitive health important for drivers? Know how brain works during driving

Why is cognitive health important for drivers? Know how brain works during driving

“Safe driving requires the ability to focus, divide the attention between many sensory events between visual and hearing methods and make quick cognitive decisions in a complex and rapid environment. quickly, “according to a study.

Four lobes, temporary, accompany and work together when a person is driving.

The occipital lobes and temples handle images that appear through the eyes and help you realize if the car is a car or a bicycle.

The occipital lobes and parietal estimate the speed of the vehicles. It gives you a preliminary calculation of the car where the car will be in the next few seconds.

Parietal lobes and temporal lobes keep you alert to the horn. It also keeps you aware of the dangers on the road.

The frontal lobe adjusts your speed and other navigation aspects.

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