Viral laughs: 17 hilarious one-liner jokes that will brighten your day

Viral laughs: 17 hilarious one-liner jokes that will brighten your day

Stressed about having nothing and not being able to get into weekend mode? Thinking about work and to-do lists all day can impact your mind. Stop the apocalyptic scrolling and take a break from that endless thought chatter by refreshing yourself with a little humor. Don’t underestimate the power of laughter therapy because there is enough evidence to show that laughing your heart out can rejuvenate you like no other treatment. It can reduce your stress levels and help you de-stress and relax.

Benefits of sharing jokes

Laughter has a positive impact on both your physical and mental health. Experts agree that a little humor can help control high blood pressure and improve overall health. This also means you have a lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke. According to science, laughing can also boost your immunity because laughing freely can help reduce stress hormones and increase infection-fighting antibodies.

Connect more, laugh more

Sharing jokes with loved ones can also help you connect with them better. There’s no bad mood or day that can’t be fixed with a good joke. In case you want to try this therapy yourself, start by going through this list of jokes that will make you laugh out loud. Below is a collection of simple jokes that you can share with family members, friends and other loved ones to make their day more positive and stress-free.

The best jokes make you laugh endlessly

1. America is so great, why did someone make USB? The system was rigged. 2. Finding America was great, but missing it was even better. – Mark Twain 3. What do you call a French man wearing sandals? Philippe Fallop. 4. What did the pan eat on its birthday? Pan cake. 5. Dogs do not operate MRI machines. But cat scanning.6. Why did the man propose to the woman who worked at the zoo? She is a goalkeeper. 7. Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? He will give you dessert. 8. Why do students ask encyclopedias about dates? In fact, he is already endorsed. 9. I was going to try an all-almond diet, but it was just almonds. 10. What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta. 11. Why do math books look sad? Because it has so many problems. 12. Why can’t bicycles stand up on their own? It’s tiring. 13. What do you call a bear without teeth? A gummy bear. 14. Why can’t eggs tell jokes? They will crack each other. 15. What do you call a factory that produces good products? A satisfactory one. 16. Why did coffee alert the police? It was robbed. 17. Why are math books sad? Because it has so many problems. Love our collection of jokes? You can add your own funny lines to this list and share it with your friends.

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