Only a genius can find 3 differences in this image in under 12 seconds

Only a genius can find 3 differences in this image in under 12 seconds

(Image credit: Optical illusion is a trick of the eye and is a fun and engaging activity to participate in. What one person witnesses in an optical illusion may be different through the eyes of another person because they have the ability to deceive our eyes and mind, thereby stimulating the mind and brain activity. Playing these brain teasers and optical illusions has once attracted interest and thus, they are now going viral on social media, making people casually spend time with them. In the image above, you’ll be able to see a couple flying around an empty desert. This image has so many colors all over the photo that it’s difficult to find the difference, but it’s a challenge and so you need to solve it by looking at the small details. So, take a close look at this conundrum and remember that you have a strict time frame of 12 seconds and from there act according to that time frame. You need to find errors in the image and there are three of them. So, you will need to have extreme patience while solving the problem and there should not be any distractions while completing the task. You can see a couple wearing comfortable clothes, with a clear sky, two palm trees and a small sand hill in the background. Now, keep an eye on the test and then continue with the answers.Brain puzzle

(Image credit:

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Well, when you have 12 seconds left, we’re here to help you come up with the answer, so don’t worry. Also, congratulations to everyone who successfully solved the tricky puzzle within the given time frame. For those who can’t, don’t worry as we have similar tricky questions available on our website. You’ll see three differences around the couple, with one hand in a pocket, one arm around the woman’s shoulder, and a third difference on the man’s backpack.

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