Love to watch crime thrillers? Find out what it says about your personality

Love to watch crime thrillers? Find out what it says about your personality

You’re not alone if you find yourself drawn to a gripping crime thriller. There’s something incredibly engaging about this genre, from the suspenseful, tense moments to the unexpected narrative twists. However, did you know that your preference for these suspenseful stories can reveal a lot about your personality? This is what reading crime thrillers makes you say about yourself!

You love solving mysteries

If you like crime thrillers, it’s probably because you like to put your mind to work. In addition to entertainment, you also have to rush to solve mysteries. Your mind stays active and focused thanks to the task of making connections between the dots, decoding hints, and predicting the next turn. This implies that you are also someone who appreciates solving real-world problems.

You can deal with stress

crime thriller (1)The tension and unpredictability of crime thrillers are not for everyone. You are not too fazed by uncertainty and anxiety, unlike some people. If you find yourself drawn to these powerful stories, it may indicate that you feel more comfortable and even enjoy the unpredictable. Chances are you’re the type of person who can stay calm when things aren’t completely under control.

You are curious about the dark side of life

Let’s face it—crime thrillers aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. They delve into the dark side of humanity, exploring themes such as betrayal, greed and even violence. If you love these stories, it means you have some interest in understanding the dark corners of human nature. Of course, that doesn’t mean you accept it, but you’re curious about what motivates people to do what they do. You may find yourself intrigued by the psychology behind criminals’ actions or the motives behind seemingly senseless crimes.crime thriller (2)

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How crime thrillers affect your brain

Crime thrillers not only keep you interested but also have an amazing impact on your brain. These stories can cause a “fight or flight” response in viewers because the brain cannot accurately distinguish between threats that are real and threats that are fake. Even though you know it’s just a movie or TV show, your body still reacts to the thrill. Here’s how:

  1. You can increase your attention and exercise your brain by watching difficult scenes. It’s very much like a mental workout because your mind has to focus on every little detail to follow the plot.
  1. A crime thriller that gives you emotional release. You can better understand your own emotions and manage real-world stress by going through experiences of fear, shock, or even excitement in a safe environment.