There are 16 tigers in this image; can you find them all?

There are 16 tigers in this image; can you find them all?

Although at first glance it seems to be a picture of a tiger family with two adult tigers and two children, actually there are 16 tigers in this picture. Surprised?

The more interesting thing is that not many people can discover all the tigers embedded in this picture for 30 seconds. Some of them are too difficult to detect and many have failed even after trying for a few hours!

Optical delusions, such as this, are certainly interesting to try but what one can learn from these is how the brain and vision are coordinated. Optical illusions also teach us about looking at everything in a different way, going into details in a few seconds to look at the picture.

So, how many tigers can you discover until now?

Reading: This optical illusion will surprise you by revealing your strengths

Reading: Detecting hidden tigers in this image; Only 1% has solved this puzzle so far

See also  Optical Illusion: Only 1% of people will be able to spot the hidden bee in this image

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