Mental Health: Feeling FOMO this new year? 6 ways to feel less lonely and improve your mental health |

Mental Health: Feeling FOMO this new year? 6 ways to feel less lonely and improve your mental health |

While most focus on being physically healthy, it is equally important to focus on one’s mental health. Feeling depressed, sad or even lonely for a short period of time is normal, but that feeling lasts and if ignored or steps are not taken to improve the mood it can affects a person’s mental health. Here are some ways people can use them to feel less lonely:

Express gratitude

Every day acknowledge the help of a few people who have made your day easier by helping you or just by being there. On the other hand, if you need to apologize to them for some reason, that’s okay too. Use this as a small conversation starter to check in with them. Not only will this make them happy, but it will also make you realize how big and ready your support system is.

Develop a hobby or skill

Having an extracurricular routine that requires you to connect with nature can be of great help. So go for a run or a walk with your family and pets. Improving your skill set or upgrading your current skills is a fun way to challenge yourself and meet new people.

Limit the virtual world

According to Dr. Kedar Tilwe, Consultant Psychiatrist, Fortis Mulund Hospital, “Social media has replaced real connections. Your virtual presence is necessary in today’s world for many reasons ranging from online office, social media to shopping Remember to limit ‘online’ and make time for real world interaction and conversation like meeting friends and good wishes over brunch. or snacks.”

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Cut back on screen time

Ideally, you need to decide on a fixed screen time quota including TV, Mobile & Tablet. Make sure your family can talk to each other for at least 2 hours a day. Set screen-free mealtimes and set cut-off times for any virtual devices and social (3)

Stop illegal drugs

Alcohol, marijuana, opium, and even tobacco are drugs whose dependence will leave you completely cut off from the world and chasing only the drug’s high. Taking a break may be the best way to beat loneliness.

Make time for personal connection

Take time for yourself, your spouse, your children and your family. Just chatting for 15 minutes a day will help dispel the sadness of loneliness. Connection with ourselves is as important as connection with those close to us. Yoga and relaxation exercises will help you focus, feel confident and in harmony with your surroundings, so practice them every day! If you feel overwhelmed, reach out to confidants, nearby mental health professionals, or even consider calling a remote helpline, if needed, but reach out!

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