5 oldest yogic practices to relieve stress |

5 oldest yogic practices to relieve stress |

Techniques to calm the mind and body

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives. From work deadlines to personal commitments, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and exhausted. However, the ancient practice of yoga offers a powerful solution to combat stress and improve overall health. Through a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques, yoga can help calm the mind and body, allowing you to find inner peace and tranquility.

Breathing exercises (Pranayama):

One of the most effective yoga techniques for reducing stress is pranayama, or controlled breathing exercises. When we are stressed, our breathing tends to become shallow and erratic. Pranayama helps regulate breathing, encouraging deeper and more rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. This practice not only calms the mind but also increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body, promoting a feeling of relaxation.

Asana (Physical Posture):

Yoga postures or asanas are designed to release physical tension and improve flexibility, strength and balance. When the body relaxes, the mind follows suit. Some asanas are especially beneficial for reducing stress, such as: – Balasana (Child’s Pose): This gentle forward bend is relaxing and can help calm the mind. – Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose): This restorative pose promotes blood flow to brain organs and can reduce stress and fatigue. – Savasana (Corpse Pose): Resting pose This final break allows the body and mind to fully relax and integrate the benefits of the practice.

Meditation and mindfulness:

Yoga is more than just physical postures; it also incorporates meditation and mindfulness practices. Through techniques like focused breathing, body scanning, and mantra repetition, you can cultivate present-moment awareness and detach from the constant stream of thoughts that often contribute to stress and anxiety.yoga (159)A popular meditation technique is Yoga Nidra, also known as Yoga Sleep. This guided meditation involves gradual muscle relaxation, visualization and awareness of breathing, leading to a state of deep conscious relaxation.

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Yoga Nidra (Sleep Yoga):

According to Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, yoga master, founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, “Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation technique that combines elements of meditation, visualization and deep relaxation. During your Yoga Nidra session, you will be guided through a series of instructions that will help you achieve a state of conscious awareness while your body rests deeply. This practice can significantly reduce stress levels, promote better sleep, and foster an overall feeling of well-being.

Walking heals

Raise your arms keeping them shoulder-width apart. Now, start walking with your arms raised in this position and your hands can be raised in the air for 1-3 minutes. This may not be possible at first because you will have to train the muscles in your arms and shoulders and strengthen them. Gradually increase the time by 1-3 minutes by starting in one-minute increments, etc. until you are physically capable of the necessary strength to hold your arms straight for 1-3 minutes. A workout set will require you to do a minimum of three sets of this walk, each set lasting a minimum of 1-3 minutes. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can be a transformative experience, providing a comprehensive approach to stress management. By combining physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness techniques, you can cultivate a sense of calm, balance and resilience, allowing you to overcome life’s challenges with resilience. easier and clearer.

Reduce stress and relax: Yoga in bed to improve posture and reduce stiffness